Mouse Look

Default game controls

Even though you can move your played with WASD and look around with arrow keys, the way the look is organized is a bit different from regular 3rd person games.

If you look at the scene organization and the script, you can notice, that the camera is not actually attached to the player, and the camera position is updated via code

image You can see the Camera object is not under the Player object

func _physics_process(delta):
	# Set position and rotation to targets
	self.position = self.position.lerp(target.position, delta * 4)

With this organization, player’s movement directions are always relative to the camera rotation:


Delete current camera

First, we need to delete currect camera and everything that’s related to it.

  1. Delete the View and Camera objects from the scene


  1. Open script and remove all mentions of the view reference (remove all the following lines)
@export var view: Node3D
input = input.rotated(Vector3.UP, view.rotation.y).normalized()

movement_velocity = input * movement_speed * delta

Create camera attached to the player

Now we need to create a new camera, that’s attached to the player.

  1. Open Player scene in editor by either clicking “Open in editor button” or right clicking the player and selecting “Open in editor”


  1. You should see the Player scene in 3D view. On the left side select the Player and click plus sign. Find Node3D and click Create. Name this node CameraCenter - this will be the attachment point for the camera


  1. Now select the CameraCenter and click plus sign. Find Camera3D and click Create.


  1. Select the Camera3D and move it a little bit behind the player. Rotate it so it points to the player. And make sure to enable Current checkbox

image You can use these camera Position and Rotation values as an example

Updating player controls

We have camera attached to the player, now we need to update the controls and enable mouse look.

First, let’s create a new input action, that will allow us ot use mouse look only with right mouse pressed.

  1. Open Project -> Project settings and switch to the Input Map tab


  1. In the Add new action field type mouse_look_activated and click Add button


  1. Scroll down to the new mouse_look_activated, click the Plus sign and select Mouse Buttons -> Mouse Right Button


Then let’s open the script and do some changes.

  1. Add some movement properties to the Properties section (movement_speed and mouse_sensivity)
@export var movement_speed = 5
@export var mouse_sensitivity = 1000
@export var jump_strength = 7
  1. Let’s cleanup the _physics_process function
func _physics_process(delta):
	# Handle functions
	# Falling/respawning
	if position.y < -10:
	# Animation for scale (jumping and landing)
	model.scale = model.scale.lerp(Vector3(1, 1, 1), delta * 10)
	# Animation when landing
	if is_on_floor() and gravity > 2 and !previously_floored:
		model.scale = Vector3(1.25, 0.75, 1.25)"res://sounds/land.ogg")
	previously_floored = is_on_floor()
  1. Everything related to the player movement will be in the handle_controls function
func handle_controls(delta):
	# Jumping
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump"):
		if jump_single or jump_double:"res://sounds/jump.ogg")
		if jump_double:
			gravity = -jump_strength
			jump_double = false
			model.scale = Vector3(0.5, 1.5, 0.5)
		if(jump_single): jump()
	# Movement

	var applied_velocity: Vector3
	var move_forward = Input.get_axis("move_back", "move_forward")
	applied_velocity += transform.basis.z * move_forward * movement_speed
	var move_sideways = Input.get_axis("move_right", "move_left")
	applied_velocity += transform.basis.x * move_sideways * movement_speed
	applied_velocity.y = -gravity
	velocity = applied_velocity
  1. For the player rotation and mouse look let’s create an input function
# Mouse Look
func _input(event):
	if not Input.is_action_pressed("mouse_look_activated"):
	if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
		rotation.y -= event.relative.x / mouse_sensitivity
		$CameraCenter.rotation.x += event.relative.y / mouse_sensitivity
  1. Now if you click Save and Play - you should be able to play the game using WASD for movement and mouse look with Right Mouse Button pressed

Full content of the player script

If you have any issues or errors, below you can find full script content

extends CharacterBody3D

signal coin_collected

@export var view: Node3D

@export var movement_speed = 5
@export var mouse_sensitivity = 1000
@export var jump_strength = 7

var movement_velocity: Vector3
var rotation_direction: float
var gravity = 0

var previously_floored = false

var jump_single = true
var jump_double = true

var coins = 0

@onready var particles_trail = $ParticlesTrail
@onready var sound_footsteps = $SoundFootsteps
@onready var model = $Character
@onready var animation = $Character/AnimationPlayer

# Functions

func _physics_process(delta):
	# Handle functions
	# Falling/respawning
	if position.y < -10:
	# Animation for scale (jumping and landing)
	model.scale = model.scale.lerp(Vector3(1, 1, 1), delta * 10)
	# Animation when landing
	if is_on_floor() and gravity > 2 and !previously_floored:
		model.scale = Vector3(1.25, 0.75, 1.25)"res://sounds/land.ogg")
	previously_floored = is_on_floor()

# Handle animation(s)

func handle_effects():
	particles_trail.emitting = false
	sound_footsteps.stream_paused = true
	if is_on_floor():
		if abs(velocity.x) > 1 or abs(velocity.z) > 1:"walk", 0.5)
			particles_trail.emitting = true
			sound_footsteps.stream_paused = false
		else:"idle", 0.5)
	else:"jump", 0.5)

# Handle movement input

func handle_controls(delta):
	# Jumping
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump"):
		if jump_single or jump_double:"res://sounds/jump.ogg")
		if jump_double:
			gravity = -jump_strength
			jump_double = false
			model.scale = Vector3(0.5, 1.5, 0.5)
		if(jump_single): jump()
	# Movement

	var applied_velocity: Vector3
	var move_forward = Input.get_axis("move_back", "move_forward")
	applied_velocity += transform.basis.z * move_forward * movement_speed
	var move_sideways = Input.get_axis("move_right", "move_left")
	applied_velocity += transform.basis.x * move_sideways * movement_speed
	applied_velocity.y = -gravity
	velocity = applied_velocity

# Mouse Look
func _input(event):
	if not Input.is_action_pressed("mouse_look_activated"):
	if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
		rotation.y -= event.relative.x / mouse_sensitivity
		$CameraCenter.rotation.x += event.relative.y / mouse_sensitivity

# Handle gravity
func handle_gravity(delta):
	gravity += 25 * delta
	if gravity > 0 and is_on_floor():
		jump_single = true
		gravity = 0

# Jumping

func jump():
	gravity = -jump_strength
	model.scale = Vector3(0.5, 1.5, 0.5)
	jump_single = false;
	jump_double = true;

# Collecting coins

func collect_coin():
	coins += 1