Changing Things

Next, let’s try to move that coin next to the player up a bit so we have to jump to get it.

Click coin

When selected it should look like this:

Coin selected

If nothing happens, you may have accidentally pressed W without the right mouse button clicked, and changed to Move Mode. Click Q or the selection arrow to get back to Selection Mode, and try again.

Move mode

Ok, that was fun… how about adding some more coins?

Duplicating Stuff

The new coin will appear exactly on top of the original coin, so until we move it we can’t really see it (except in the Scene tree).

Something like this:

Two Coins Selected

Ok, that’s it. The game is perfect!


Ok… Maybe it can get a little bit better… Let’s duplicate some more stuff!

More and More

What we just did with the coins also works with the platforms and clouds, and even the player (!).

Here’s an example of what it can look like:

I’d love to see what you come up with!

Gizmo Tips

For variation, you’ll probably want to rotate some of the platforms and clouds.

The last thing you can do with selection manipulator (or “Gizmo” as it’s sometimes called) is to drag one of the three squares.

This moves the node in the two directions orthogonal to the axis of the same color. This is slightly faster than moving along the two axes one by one.